The Price of Blood: Women’s Voices from the Battle Road

A teen novel in verse

By Jeanne Munn Bracken

In order of appearance

Abigail Adams, wife of politically savvy lawyer John Adams.

Margaret “Peggy” Gage, American-born wife of Boston’s military commander General Thomas Gage

Rebekah Barrett, wife of Col. James Barrett, leader of Concord’s militia

The Grenadier’s Wife, married to an officer in the King’s army, moved to the New World from England

Sarah Thaxter Pulling, wife of the vestryman at the Old North Church in Boston

Elizabeth Murray Smith Inman, wife of a loyalist merchant

Polly Stedman, housewife, married to Dr. John Stedman

The Boatman’s Lady Friend, Boston woman who made a surprising contribution to events

Lydia Mulliken, young woman in Lexington engaged to a patriot

Dorothy “Dolly” Quincy, flirtatious young woman engaged to John Hancock

Mary Hartwell, young wife and mother in Lincoln, married to a Minute Man

Hannah Davis, wife of Captain Isaac Davis of the Acton Minute Men

Ruth Harrington, living at the Lexington Common with her family

Mary Farrar, Lincoln mother and militia wife, in the line of fire

Phoebe Emerson, of the Old Manse in Concord, married to Reverend William Emerson

Hosmer Family, mother and sisters of Adjutant Joseph Hosmer of the Concord Minute Men, living by the South Bridge

Martha Moulton, elderly woman left behind in Concord Village when the others fled

Mrs. Jones, married to Elisha Jones and living with her family next to the North Bridge

Madame Thomas Jones, widow of the Reverend Thomas Jones, recently deceased, who had surprising visitors

Mother Batherick, elderly woman in Menotomy who was just picking dandelions for dinner

Mrs. Monroe, wife of a tavern keeper in Menotomy

Hannah Adams, wife of Deacon Samuel Adams of Menotomy, still abed from childbirth

Hannah Winthrop, wife of a Harvard professor from Cambridge, who fled for safety—right into harm’s way

Prudence Wright, patriot wife from Pepperell, who took part even though she was miles from the action

Catherine Smith, wife of William Smith and (sister?) to John Adams

Mrs. William Adams,

Elizabeth Butterfield

Mrs. Sanderson

Mary Aldis Draper

Rachel Revere, wife of post rider and patriot Paul, of Boston

Ann Hulton, sister of the King’s revenue agent in Boston and a Loyalist

Sarah Deming

Margaret Draper, printer in Boston, loyal to the king